The “DATE Culture” Fostered by Masamune
28 Tagajo Castle Monument

This is a stone monument made to commemorate the repairing of Tagajo Castle in the Nara period. It was excavated during the rule of the second lord Tadamune. Intellectuals of the Edo period such as MATSUO Basho and IHARA Saikaku, as well as scholars of the Sendai domain left many documents about it. With the advice of TOKUGAWA Mitsukuni, the forth lord Tsunamura established a building to cover the monument and provided great care for its protection.
- Tags
Stories : 3 Spreading of Culture After Masamune Designated : 13 National Important Cultural Property Categories : 4 Restoration and Preservation of Poetry-associated Sites in the Michinoku Region by the Domain Regions : 2 Tagajo City - DATA
Name : 28 Tagajo Castle Monument Location : Tayaba, Ichikawa-aza, Tagajo City - Location/Ownership/Traditional place
- Tagajo City